Thursday, September 20, 2012

Who's "undemocratic" now Mr. Harper?

It feels like just yesterday that the Conservative's pushed through a monstrous Omnibus bill totalling over 400 pages...oh wait, it was only 3 months ago! Now they're at it again with a budget bill that is expected to be even larger than the bill in the spring. I know our current government is not the first to do this and probably won't be the last, but what I find funny is that Harper once described Omnibus bills as undemocratic and a "contradiction to the conventions and practices of the House." Does that mean that Stephan Harper thinks of himself as undemocratic? Doubtful! I guess when the Liberals do it, it's undemocratic, but when the Conservatives do it, it's justice. Personally, I think it's ridiculous and so does Rick Mercer!

Check out Mercer's latest rant. Or to read more about what Ralph Goodale, Deputy Liberal Leader, has to say, click here. Or, if you're interested in doing your part to help prevent more of these bills in the future, you can sign the Liberal's petition.