Saturday, November 12, 2011

Just Shut Up!

I have some advice to all of you who feel the need to yell out whatever idiotic thing comes into your head when you're at a small-venue concert - don't. Now, I'm not talking about some big stadium or arena, when you're in one of those large places you should yell and scream away. I'm talking about quieter, more intimate places where people pay good money to listen to an artist sing in a venue with great sound, so do them a favour and just shut up so they can enjoy it!

Fans pay to hear the artist sing and/or speak, not you, so just shut up. Also, for those of you who think yelling out your favourite song will make it come up next, the artist already has a set list so just shut up. And, when you think you're being funny and you try yelling out some lame joke, you're usually not, so just shut up. Lastly, before you spout off about just showing your appreciation or just enjoying yourself, we all know you just want to hear your own voice which makes you a bit ridiculous, so just shut up!

Check out this link for some more tips on how to not be a douche-bag at the next concert you go to:

Monday, November 7, 2011

Who Gives a Crap?

I must admit that over the last few days, I haven't really seen much news or read any papers...I've generally just been out of the loop. So, imagine my surprise this morning when I finally have some time to catch up, and guess what's all over the news, and I mean ALL over the news? Not the rioting in Liberia. Not Herman Cain and his sexual harassment allegations. Not the Keystone Pipeline and the endless issues surrounding it. Not even the tired, old occupy Calgary squatters. Nope, none of these or any other fairly relevant issues were anywhere near the top stories of the day, instead, it was Bieber's baby business! There's nothing more to say about this other than that it is absolutely ridiculous!