Tuesday, February 14, 2012

You're either with us, or with them...

For those of you who don't know, the Conservative government is trying to pass a series of bills that will require Internet service providers to "store and make available to the government and police forces information on the Internet activity of the their customers." Talk about big brother! Now, when rational, concerned individuals speak out against the bills, they are spewed a series of statements that don't seem to have any facts to back them up. What is the most ridiculous statement made by our great conservative leaders: "He can either stand with us or with the child pornographers."


The conservative government is accusing Liberal MP Francis Scarpaleggia, and those like him, of supporting child pornagraphers because he is trying to protect the privacy of Canadians. It's fear mongering and it's ridiculous!

Read the following articles for more information:

Find your MP here and tell them what you think of these bills:

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