Wednesday, February 29, 2012

You "deserve" our oil?

Mitt Romney recently won two key primaries south of the border and in his latest victory speech he vowed to get Americans the "oil from Canada [they] deserve..."

Hmm, I'm not sure what Mitt Romney thinks the word "deserves" means, but according to Webster, it means "to be worthy, fit, or suitable for some reward or requital."

I wonder what he'll think Americans "deserve" next?

Here's more about Romney's ridiculous, poorly thought out statement:

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Who is this guy?

Since the GOP race started, I've known that Rick Santorum was someone that I would NEVER want running my country and thank goodness he never will! Recently, it came to my attention that in addition to Santorum's antiquated views on abortion, birth control, health care, gay people, women in combat, etc., he is now attacking the working woman. Who is this guy and why does he have a job anywhere near politics? How is it that he is one of the front runners to win the Republican nomination? Do the people voting for him really know what he stands for?

Here is just a small sample of the ridiculous things this man has said:
  • “I think the Democrats are actually worried [Obama] may go to Indonesia and bow to more Muslims.”
  • “I don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money. I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn money.”
  • “Look at the political base of the Democratic Party: it is single mothers who run a household...Why? Because it’s so tough economically that they look to the government for help, and therefore they’re going to vote. So if you want to reduce the Democratic advantage, what you want to do is build two-parent families, you eliminate that desire for government.”
  • "The radical feminists succeeded in undermining the traditional family and convincing women that professional accomplishments are the key to happiness..."

I know most politicians have made statements in the past that they wish they could take back, and I know that Rick Santorum isn't the only politician in history to be outrageous and even nonsensical, but let's just say that although I'm not usually the biggest fan of my own Country's leader, I would take him ANY day over this man!

To read more about Rick Santorum and the race in general, check out these links:

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Focus on the real criminals!

When even the Americans, famous for their "War on Drugs", are warning the Canadian government against harsh minimum sentencing for minor drug offences, you'd think our fearless leaders would at least consider the argument. I'm not saying that I think the conservatives are suddenly going to decriminalize marijuana, but at the very least, they should look at the harsh sentencing in their new bill. I don't know about you, but I don't think someone who grows 6 pot plants is the same as a pedophile and they certainly don't deserve a harsher sentence! 

For more information on the ridiculous Bill C-10 check out the links below:

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Not so transparent...

In the past, Stephen Harper has pledged to have a more open, transparent government which leaves me a bit confused. Is his idea of transparency "muzzling" scientists and restricting scientific information available to Canadians? Hmm, that's not what I thought it meant so I looked it up and found a few definitions of transparency that don't seem to match Harper's ridiculously nontransparent actions.

"Transparency, as used in science, engineering, business, the humanities and in a social context more  generally, implies openness, communication, and accountability."

"In politics, transparency is used as a means of holding public officials accountable and fighting corruption. When a government's meetings are open to the press and the public, its budgets may be reviewed by anyone, and its laws and decisions are open to discussion, it is seen as transparent, and there is less opportunity for the authorities to abuse the system for their own interests." (The Transparency of Politics and the Quality of Politicians)

Read the articles below and then ask yourself how transparent the Harper government is.
For more information on transparency:

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fox News Does it Again!

If you aren't entirely convinced that Fox News is quality US programming, you will be now! On Sunday night, when discussing the increasing sexual assault in the American military, Fox News Contributor Liz Trotta had this to say:

"Well, what did they expect? These people are in close contact."

Now, I know what you're thinking, how ridiculous that someone on the news, an actual journalist, would say something like this, but wait, it gets better, or I guess I should say worse:

"we have women once more, the feminist, going, wanting to be warriors and victims at the same time...[feminists] have also directed them, really, to spend a lot of money. They have sexual counselors all over the place, victim's advocates, sexual response have this whole bureaucracy upon bureaucracy being built up with all kinds of levels of people to support women in the military who are now being raped too much."

Yep, you read that correctly. Like I said, quality news programming.

To read more about this useless twit, click on the links below:

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

You're either with us, or with them...

For those of you who don't know, the Conservative government is trying to pass a series of bills that will require Internet service providers to "store and make available to the government and police forces information on the Internet activity of the their customers." Talk about big brother! Now, when rational, concerned individuals speak out against the bills, they are spewed a series of statements that don't seem to have any facts to back them up. What is the most ridiculous statement made by our great conservative leaders: "He can either stand with us or with the child pornographers."


The conservative government is accusing Liberal MP Francis Scarpaleggia, and those like him, of supporting child pornagraphers because he is trying to protect the privacy of Canadians. It's fear mongering and it's ridiculous!

Read the following articles for more information:

Find your MP here and tell them what you think of these bills:

Monday, February 13, 2012


A friend of mine brought the following to my attention and I was horrified. What is wrong with society today that women will joke about a man beating up another woman? It is ridiculous and idiotic and they should feel ashamed of their comments. I don't even know what else to say...