Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Excessive force much?

I'm not sure what this guy said or did to these security guards at Chinook Mall, but based on their reaction, it must have been pretty bad. Oh wait, he was sitting on a broken escalator - but that can't be it! I also heard he talked back to them - hmm, that doesn't sound right either. He does have some neck tattoos - nope, still doesn't explain it. Whatever he did, did it actually warrant having 5 security guards at one point holding him down? Did what he said deserve getting punched repeatedly while he was being held down? Did what he said to them mean he should have cuts and bruises? I'm not sure it did...

Now, I will admit that I haven't heard all sides of the story, and if this man was physically threatening or harmful in some way, I will take back my comments, but based on what the victim and eye-witness said and what I saw on the YouTube video, a few people were wrong here, and it doesn't seem like the victim was one of them. Thankfully, this ridiculous, excessive behaviour has caused at least one security guard to lose his job, and Chinook Mall and the Police are investigating the altercation further, so at least there's that...I think.

Take a look at the video and judge for yourself. 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Greedy jerks!

I recently bought a ticket to a music festival, but my friend missed out on getting a ticket because it sold out in 2 hours! Now, because I'm a good friend (and I really want her to come with me), I've been scouring the Internet looking for tickets for sale on her behalf, and I find myself frustrated and discouraged - not because there aren't tickets for sale, but because most people are selfishly trying to sell their tickets for hundreds of dollars more than they are worth. The tickets are already $350 which is not cheap, and to take advantage of a fellow music lover, who just wants the chance to see an amazing show is not only ridiculous, but greedy as well. If you paid $350, then you should sell them for $350. I just saw an ad that was selling a pair of tickets for $1000. That's a $300 profit for nothing. Sure, that person had to go to the trouble of purchasing their tickets on ticketmaster which we all know is exhausting, and then they had to make a Kijiji ad which I'm sure was also quite laborious as well, so of course they deserve $300 for those few minutes they spent on the entire endeavour. To this person, and all others who try to make money on the unlucky, you should be ashamed of yourselves!

I urge all of you music lovers to not give in to the selfishness of these scalpers. Wait it out until these people are desperate to get rid of their tickets and then buy them for less than they're worth. Maybe next time, they'll come to their senses and sell their tickets at a fair price.

For some tips on how to deal with scalpers in person, read this.